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- Adaptation: an alteration in the structure or function of an organism to become better fitted to survive & multiply in its environment
- Aesthetic: having a sense of the beautiful
- Aphids: tiny soft-bodied insects of the family Aphididae that suck the sap from stems and leaves of various plants
- Beneficial Insects: insects that provide valuable services to plants such as pollination and preying upon pest insects
- Biodiversity: diversity among and within plant and animal species within an environment
- Biodiversity Index: a measure that reflects how many different types of species are in a dataset
- Brood: a number of young produced or hatched at one time
- Caterpillar: the wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth
- Chrysalis: the hard-shelled pupa of a moth or butterfly
- Circulation: the act of moving in a circle or circuit, or flowing
- Conservation: to carefully utilize or preserve utilize natural resources in order to prevent depletion
- Ecosystem: a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms within their environment
- Exoskeleton: an external covering of crustaceans or insects
- Garden pests: insects which harm crops, humans, and ecosystems
- Green roof: a roof covered with vegetation; designed for its aesthetic value and to optimize energy conservation
- Habitat: the natural environment of an organism
- Hemolymph: a fluid in the body cavities and tissues of invertebrates (animals that lack a backbone)
- Host Plants: plants that provide food and shelter for butterfly eggs and larvae
- Integrated Pest Management: an approach to controlling pests which considers all available pest control techniques
- Larva: the immature, wingless, feeding stage of an insect undergoing complete metamorphosis
- Lepidoptery: the branch of zoology dealing with butterflies and moths
- Marauders: those who raid for plunder
- Metamorphosis: a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life cycle of an organism
- Migration: the process of moving from one place to another
- Native plants: plants that are indigenous to an area
- Plot Sampling: a method for measuring a large forested area without having to measure each individual tree
- Pollination: to transfer pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower
- Proboscis: the elongate, protruding mouth parts of certain insects
- Pupa: an insect in the non-feeding stage of metamorphosis
- Roofing Paper: a heavy paper infused with tar used to waterproof a roof
- Species: the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, composed of related individuals that resemble one another
- Syrphid Fly: also known as Hoverflies, a beneficial insect which only feeds on other insects during its larval stage
- Thorax: part of the body between the head and the abdomen