A little over 2 years ago I purchased a house in the ‘burbs of Augusta, GA. It had enormous lawns front and back.  Most people would see a mowing nightmare—I saw future HABITAT!  

The first thing was removing all of the grass from the backyard. Then I began installing some raised beds and ground-level beds. Over the last two years I have kept native plant sales and native plant nurseries in business! Having been involved with Monarchs Across Georgia and the Georgia Native Plant Society for years, I knew that native plants were the best food for native pollinators—my goal.

I nearly cried the first time I saw a native bee emerge from a ground nest! Then the toads came and the dragonflies and the lightning bugs! In August 2019, Georgia held the first ever Pollinator Census. Though the weekend was drizzly and overcast, I still recorded dozens of native bees, wasps, flies, and small butterflies.   

In a little over two years, I achieved HABITAT!  

What does all this mean to me? Everything. I can’t fix the big problems in the world like pandemics, war, racism . . . but I CAN fix small things that contribute to the greater good. By tearing out a third of an acre of grass that didn’t feed anyone and putting in native plants adapted to my region I have provided a refuge and support for native pollinators. By wearing a mask to the grocery store I can help not spread COVID-19. By treating people who are not like me with respect I can help to not spread racism and war.

Maybe we all just need a few pollinators in our lives to change the world.