Donating Materials
The Archives of American Gardens collects materials (photographs, postcards, garden journals, diaries, letters, personal papers, landscape plans, and nursery catalogs) that aid in the study and interpretation of the history of American gardens and horticulture. Of particular interest are historic gardens (Victorian gardens, World’s Fair gardens, war and victory gardens), healing gardens (Veterans’ gardens and therapeutic gardens), gardens designed by women landscape practitioners, and the work of garden photographers.
Please contact the Archives at aag@si.edu if you have garden-related documentation you may be interested in donating, whether it be for one garden or several. Donors will be asked to fill out a Deed of Gift that transfers the ownership and rights to their materials to the Smithsonian.
The Archives cannot provide appraisals. Prospective donors who require or desire a monetary assessment are encouraged to contact an independent appraiser or any one of a number of appraisal societies such as the American Society of Appraisers.