Poppa & Momma Jones’ Historic Community Garden is a struggling garden with strong ties to an interesting past. Back around the summer of 2013, I walked past an elderly couple gathering vegetables from various garden beds. I had recently returned to the neighborhood and was exploring the community. Curious, I introduced myself and ergo, was introduced to community gardening by Poppa Jones himself, a retired Southerner with a wealth of information about East New York. A man who fed thousands, sheltered hundreds, and befriended countless people in the community. When he became too ill to tend the garden, my husband and I adopted the garden and contacted GReenThumb for support. It’s a struggle to find people to volunteer and join, but the garden remains a vibrant source of blooming inspiration in the neighborhood. Thankfully East New York (ENY) Farms’ United Community Center on Newlots Avenue offers additional support and education. It is our hope to build the membership in order to sustain the garden and Poppa & Momma Jones’ vision: To give and collaborate to keep ENY, ENY.