The best part about having an urban pollinator garden? Relaxing in the swing, admiring the rabbits, squirrels, birds, butterflies and bees, all the while answering questions from patrons visiting the Peacemaker and Sidney Street Cafe. The guests continually stop to ask about the unfamiliar native plants… Ironically, these plant species are strangers to our community, but they were here first! Thanks to the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District Rainscaping Grant, we earned $3,000 for purchase and installation of a rain garden and are now not only better equipped to handle runoff, but can also provide an oasis for the many crucial pollinators in our area… like this beautiful monarch!

-Story contributed by Rene S. through Milkweeds for Monarchs: The St. Louis Butterfly Project, a program of the City of St. Louis Mayor’s Office.