Natalie is a teacher, gardener, dancer, and owner of a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. I had a chance to sit down with the amazing multi-tasker and talk to her about gardening. She grew up around gardens and even though gardens have been in her atmosphere since her early years she was never as interested in them as she is now.

Ekram: Do you have a garden? Have you had a garden?

Natalie: Yes,I have a garden now. I did not have a garden until about three years ago.

Ekram: Why do you have a garden?

Natalie: After me and my husband got married we both became very interested in gardening. Learning about the food movement and the importance of growing our own food motivated us to start gardening.

Ekram: How long have you had your garden?

Natalie: Just got to plant this season. We have had it for a few months. I happy how it turned out, but the last place we moved from I had had a garden since 2010.

Ekram: Do you plan to keep your garden?

Natalie: We have a balcony so if we move we could move it with us, but we have a design that is kind of hard to move so we plan to stay here for a few years.

Ekram: Do any of your friends or family members have gardens?

Natalie: My parents have a garden but not the same one I grew up with, they have also moved. Now they only grow flowers, they have no interest in growing food.

Ekram: Do you grow flowers as well?

Natalie: Yes, I grow vegetables, flowers, and strawberries. Strawberries are my only fruit.

Ekram: Have you ever wanted to give up gardening, if so what kept you motivated?

Natalie: Yes, I have wanted to give up gardening several times. The year I started gardening, it took too much time, my plants died and I felt bad they died. My husband was really into it. What kept me motivated is satisfaction when my garden does work out.

Ekram: Would you ever let your sibling(s) take care of your garden?

Natalie: My sister, she is a science teacher so she would probably be better at it than I am.

Ekram: Would you give your garden to her?

Natalie: Yes, I would!

Ekram: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview you.

Natalie: You are welcome, thank you!

-Story contributed by Ekram S., student at Paul International High School in Washington, D.C., May 2014.