The Smithsonian Gardens Tree Collection contains a wide variety of taxa from all over the world.  This diversity provides incredible opportunities for scientific and conservation research, two goals of the collection as a whole.  The stewardship of this collection is integrated into the larger scientific goals of the Smithsonian Institution and can call on its prestige and resources as a means to extend further research at Smithsonian Gardens. 

It is one of the main goals of the SGTC to serve as a conduit for scientific research among the professional academic community, as well as the public at-large, aiming to allow access to thorough and detailed records to anyone who requires them.  This access and collaboration will hopefully aid and expand the vital work of conservation around the world. 

Look below to find a few selected resources relating to the SGTC: 

Crape Myrtle Bark Scale Monitoring

Join SG’s interns as they conduct an experiment concerning a novel and invasive pest.

Revolutionize Your Tree Pruning!

Learn from SG’s former Arborist Jake Hendee about healthy tree-pruning strategies!

Native U.S. Tree Diversity Under Threat

Learn from Morton Arboretum’s Murphy Westwood about native tree diversity in America.